
My scientific websites:


My interactive, hyperbolic, phylogenetic trees (require Java and adding site URL to the list of security exceptions in the Java Control Panel as well as a long loading time):

Reports and Interviews (in German):

  • Interview about DNA in amber, made 2004 by Edda Schlager for "Scinexx - Das Wissensmagazin - Dossier" (PDF)
  • Interview "Kreationisten irren: Missing Links sind überaus häufig" about insect evolution by the journalist Ernst Probst, published online on Nov. 30th 2007 (PDF)
  • Newspaper article "Der größte Stammbaum der Welt" on my phylogenetic tree of life project, published in Stuttgarter Zeitung on Oct. 4th 2009 (PDF)
  • Newspaper article about a public talk on insect evolution, published in Stuttgarter Nachrichten on Nov. 22nd 2010 (PDF)
  • Newspaper article "Mensch oder Affe oder beides"  of my public lecture about evolution, published in Nord-Rundschau on Nov. 28th 2011 (PDF)
  • Newspaper article "Eingeschlossen für Jahrmillionen" on my Burmese amber research, published in Stuttgarter Zeitung on Aug. 20th 2014 (PDF)

YouTube Videos (in German):